De izquierda a derecha la joven india de blusa y pantalón Azul es la Ing.Yolanda(yoli) a su lado la joven abogada Hilda y abrazándola el también abogado Pedro Vega, al lado de ellos La Doctora farmaceutica,con un bello T-shirt color fucsia Milagros, en el otro banco la Ingeniera Industrial Agustina, a su lado la socióloga Caroyi y al final la Hermosa Licenciada Clari, al fondo con un T-shirt azul Marino El Abogado Francisco Nuñez, están en un parque de Nuestra queridisima Universidad Pedagógica Luis Napoleón Nuñez Molina, disfrutando de un momento de receso en el programa de Habilitación Docente de los domingos


  1. Hola, despues de tanto tiempo buscando vestigios de antiguos compañeros de estudio en el ciberespacio, solo he podido encontrar un recinto y un oficio que me resuenan en la memoria.

    1. gracias lo tengo un poco abandonado el blog pero gracias por tus comentarios.


    I don t know why people think, when day begun with raining is a sad day.

    Today is a very cool morning, but is hard to stay in bed alone with this cool weather, I wake up early in this morning, I try to run, but star raining, I have to go to park and made some exercise here because in the park have a shelter, speak with some neighborhood after that I bought the news paper, rarely the news paper bring me good news, the congress in united states will maintain the cut of taxes maybe for two month or maybe one year more is a great notices because I have a lot friends and families in the states the will be happy with this news, maybe the will give me a gift, I don t need I gift, but is good to read a good news in this very cool morning, I have to many to many chores today but is a good beginning only God knows the other good news the Lord have for me in this day, I have to be focus and see my goal today, I have to fight against anxiety and see my goal like a pro and growing like a pro and maintain me focus, another good news I have one reader, oh this is crazy, another good news, I m feeling the rich effect and I don t have a android smart phone.(Radio Shark have to pay me for this advertisement) See later guy, Lord bless you.


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